Our services are for our partners who are honored with our trust

Events Organization

Appearance at our partners’ events


We offer our sponsoring partners our presence and active participation in company events organized by them.

Among other things, it is possible to motorize the experience of passengers, led by Richárd Bódis. Not only adults, but children as well, are given this opportunity, as our children’s motors are available for the youngest, so the little ones can taste the world of motoring.

Our younger riders are also happy to take part and feel that is ideal for our younger age partners to experience such events.

Also, our team’s race engines are available for demonstration at any time other than race weekends. 


Event organization


We undertake to organize and run down our own events where our partners are invited and presented.

We recommend multi-day driving training courses and camps for children, adults and motor clubs. The venue is provided by Kakucsring, famous for its motorbike events.

Within the framework of the events, we provide beginners with the basics, and advanced with personalized training appropriate to their level.

Our goal is always to make the participants feel good: they can come home with a wealth of experience and a lot of useful information.

At events we organize, we place our partners at the center of the event: we invite representatives of the organization, business, and provide exposure in the pre-campaign (posters, online appearances) and in the event itself (molinos, flags, flyers, posters, giveaways).

Get in touch with us!